
moon for breakfast

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Cupcake cars, How Berkeley can you be parade, 2005

Sometimes I wish I could just jump in my cupcake car and roll down the street to pick up a pickle or something.  The tough question is…would you get into the chocolate or vanilla car?


This morning I woke up at 7:30am to a beautiful sunny day…I rubbed my eyes awake… looked out the window…and saw the moon!  I know the moon is almost always around during the day, but I have never woken up to it.  This was a bigger treat than I ever would have imagined. Actually, I never imagined seeing the moon first thing in the morning. Maybe instead of a Goonight Moon book, I’ll write a Good Morning Moon book.

shin splints


hanging avocado bathing in the sun

I love that avocados are semi-also known as butter pears or butter fruits. Anything that is synonyomous with butter is grade A meat in my book.  According to Wikipedia, an avocado is botanically a berry.  I had no idea.


I have shin splints today.  Yesterday I walked to work way too fast and today I am paying the consequences.  Or maybe today I aggravated my shins when I secretly raced a guy next to me without him knowing.  He was really good at 1.)speed walking through the streets just like I do 2.) holding a conversation with himself and 3.) scratching the back of his head in a very rapid manner every few minutes.  He did a great job at setting a fast pace and I followed until I caught up with him and took off.  I imagine that I look ridiculous speed walking through the streets…especially when I wear my unintentional bumble bee outfit like I did today (black pants, yellow t-shirt, black jacket if needed, black and yellow backpack).  My fingers are crossed that I don’t become known as that “bumble bee girl.”

I do love that in the bay area there are various characters known throughout the land.  There is “Pink Man” (the guy wearing a pink unitard and cape and rides a unicycle) or the 80 year old twins (who are always amazingly dressed and way too identical), and of course the “Bushman” (who succeeded in getting me to scream bloody murder when I was visiting SF in middle school).  Oh, San Francisco. What would our world be without you?

I smelled like ketchup today


really old sewing machine that comes in a really old box. I love how “old skool looking” both things are.

I have been working diligently (with several week long breaks) on a sewing project that is three quarters complete.  The above sewing machine has helped me get through the project. Although it is old and kind of smells musty, I love this treasure.  Cooper and I bought two sewing machines out of a guy’s garage for $20 (hoping that one of the two would work).  It is such a simple and reliable little thing…I really can’t imagine trying to use a newer more complicated device…especially one that smells new.  Who would want that?


Speaking of smells…

I smelled like ketchup today.  While walking around the neighborhood this morning, Cooper unintentionally managed to step perfectly on a packet of ketchup so all of the contents would land precisely on my pants and shoe.  I looked bloody but tasted sweet and salty. It was by far the grandest moment of the day.

I miss the way my grandma used to pronounce “cat sup.” Oh, cat sup.



It appears as though my fish shaved his mustache.  He is no longer swimming around with the above stache. Amazing what fish can do without arms, hands, or fingers.

And simple

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rainbow sprikle cake, in honor of Marcy Swiatek

I had a moment of back and forth going on in my head last night while I was slaving away over a mound of dishes and soaking up the hot steam (a scene very similar to a sauna but without the relaxing environment and I wasn’t in my birthday suit).  Cooper and I looked at the wedding website for a friend of his which we’ll be photographing this fall.  They have a dog, have amazing jobs at Google, and own a little home in San Francisco.  My head then said, “Assie, when the heck are you ever going to be able to have a dog or own a home or buy a new car or be able to save money if you quit your job?” But then I realized my life is really good right now. And simple. My life is so good and simple that I can do my own taxes (for me this is a big deal). I realized that although our living space is tiny, I love not having a massive apartment to fill with things.   Although I would love an art corner so I don’t have to start a project on our coffee table only to have to move it so we can eat our meals I don’t really need it. Although I would love to have a dog, what would we do with him on weekends when we shoot weddings, especially now that Cooper is trying to become a destination wedding photo-guy?  Why would I reallllllly need a new car? My little sidekick is working just fine and we never go anywhere anyway.

My good friend Mr. Flanagan said it perfectly…it is easy to stay in dead end jobs when you increasingly get paid more and more all while buying more and more things which then force you to have to keep up the expensive and complex lifestyle. I LOVE keeping it simple.  So right now, life is goooooooood.

side note: for those you who have dogs, nice cars, and homes…I am still envious and think it is great that you are at a point when you can own such things.  I just have to come to terms with myself and how my life is right now (minus a few dream items).


p.s. I am sorry for the Easter themed pictures.  Mass amounts of pastels make me nauseous, but I liked the simplicity of the images.

off to the races!


a memory of the penny horse ride from King Soopers

The past week has been a bit of a mad race.  For my own mental purpose…I need to see how much I can remember:

Saturday: A slow day at work on a beautiful spring day. Left semi-early and got some bad Chinese food and ate it on the Berkeley campus grass. Then walked from store to store from Bancroft to College Avenue to peruse the goods.  Stopped for a slurpee and took it to a park to watch people play v-ball and practice capoeira martial arts.  The weather was too nice to be inside so I was out for as long as my little body could handle.  Cooper returned from assisting at a wedding in the south bay.

Sunday: Wedding in San Francisco at the Palace Hotel.  The couple was really sweet and had the day planned out to a T.  I loved the bride’s Manolo Blahniks:


Monday: Day off work…Whoo hoo!  Thank goodness for Presidents. Cooper and I were super productive and enjoyed the summer-like weather. We treated ourselves to In ‘n Out, bought a new pot for our kumquat tree, went to the Napa outlets to try and look more professional.  It was a grand day.

Tuesday: Worky-work. GAVE NOTICE! Yes, I actually did.

Wednesday: Dealt with telling my co-workers about my resignation. Took my two assistants out for hot chocolate and ice cream to break the news. Felt the guilt pains from telling them and eating too many sweets. Cooper and I went out for an expensive Chez Panisse dinner to celebrate.  I have to list all the dishes so I can talk to my grandkids about the meal when I am 98:

  • Started with some of the best olives I have ever laid my test buds on, followed by a very fresh crab and radish salad with a cilantro cream dressing on the side. Next was soup which was a simple but tasty fish consume with salt cod ravioli.  Main entree: moist (yes moist) chicken with a black truffle butter, roasted potatoes (which were the best potatoes I have ever had), mache, mushrooms, and English peas. The dessert was a sinful chocolate souffle with a chartreuse cream that was to die for. Just even thinking about all this stuff makes my mouth water. Yes, it was a treat.

Thursday: Worky-work followed by Monkey Head and nachos with a co-worker.

Friday: An intense day at work with a little earthquake mid-day. That evening Cooper and I made a jaunt to the city to eat with my bro and his wife.  It was a comforting meal and a great chance to talk to family.

Saturday:  Slept in and cleaned up the mess we had made from the previous week.  Started a crafty project which I will disclose images of later. Went back to the city to a going away party for Tess DiCola (moving to Atlanta, Georgia).  Weep weep.

Sunday: Enjoyed a day in the apartment. Went out for $0.50 hot dogs at Ikea and got groceries at Trader Joe’s. Continued on my craft project.

In writing all of this it doesn’t sound that exciting or crazy, but I guess giving notice at work caused for a whirlwind of heavy emotions/energy so the weight of it made my week feel like it was a month long.

Now it is time to prepare for my trip to Morocco! Man alive.

belated v-day


I am not a big Valentine’s Day fan…but if we have to celebrate, we might as well do something special.  But, not on Valentine’s Day…oh no. My mom gave me a gift certificate to Chez Panisse so we are going to have our Valentine’s Day this coming Wednesday at the downstairs restaurant. Tomorrow our “menu” will be released so we will get to see what we will be eating on Wednesday night.  We are also going to dinner to a place called Sauce next Friday night with my bro and his wife. Man, the past couple of weeks and the upcoming few weeks are days filled with food craziness!  Maybe after work today I will go on a hunt for pants with an elastic wasteband.


Cooper and I watched Running with Scissors the other night and both saw pieces of our own families in the movie. I would recommend seeing the movie or reading the book…both are very well produced/written.

the little things

It is funny how the little things in a day to day routine can make such a difference. If my morning goes smoothly and I catch the 8:29am Bart, I get to listen to my favorite Bart driver. The woman who normally has this route always speaks with the most pleasant and calm voice as she welcomes us to her train and the start of the day. Whenever I am fortunate enough to get this train I get to smile for 2.5 minutes more than I normally do during the day. However, if I get the 8:34am train…it is just another ride to work.


Tonight Cooper walked to work to meet up with me then we walked home together and stopped for salads at Intermezzo and frozen yogurt afterward.  I have had a strong craving for half peantbutter and half vanilla fro yo.  I guess I miss the days of going to Yummy Yogurt while in college…such a girlie thing.  Oh memories.


The kumquat tree is still doing ok.  I love it so much.


Intermezzo salads tonight and Cheeseboard for breakfast…Gregory Michael Flanagan we are thinking of you while we fill our stomachs.


I found out yesterday that a good friend from high school committed suicide just recently.  There is something about death that I just can’t comprehend…especially at first.  It takes me a looooooooooong time to realize that someone is no longer around.  It is particularly hard to understand why or what made Alice want to take her own life.  She had the most engaging and enthusiastic personality.  While in the torments of high school, she was one of the few who treated everyone like they were a best friend and actually cared (and she was a great volleyball player).  I honestly don’t know what to say. So sad.

a backup dog


On Friday night Cooper and I purchased something that is not a dog, but in many ways I act as though it is one: a kumquat tree.  At first I called it George, then Little Pickle…but then I realized how stupid it was to give the tree a name and perhaps it shouldn’t be labeled anything at all.  But, I love this thing.  At the store I couldn’t look at anything else…I was just entranced by the little tree in our cart. Yes, I know that kumquat trees are supposed to be an outdoor item, but I have wanted all my life to have a citrus tree so we broke down and got one.  Goal #83592 has been crossed off my list.  I really do treat it like a human or dog…I talk to it, hug it, kiss it, move it from one sunny spot to another several times a day.  And the kumquats are soooooooo good…unlike any kumquat I have ever tasted.  I may be partial because it came from my own tree, but they really are delectable. I couldn’t be happier with this new addition to my life. I am in love.


Today Cooper and I walked to the farmer’s market in Temescal then through some of the side streets back to Rockridge.  There are so many interesting homes that were formally storefronts way back when.  We peeked into the window of one former corner store and Cooper said it was a full-blown living room.  For some reason I am visually very attracted to commercial/residential spaces. Maybe someday….



I have added a new item to my list of things I am infatuated by…besides airstreams, station wagons, and barns I am now a bit fanatical by sock creatures/sock monkeys. I am actually heavily thinking about buying this kit, but I have been told by my boss/boyfriend to think about it for 24 hrs before making my decision. I am in the mode to save $$ and only buy necessities, but the ideas in this kit just get me all hot and bothered. If I do end up getting it…anyone want a sock creature?


Tonight for dinner: meatloaf and frozen peas. I am so excited.

the power of the little box called a computer

I just got an e-mail from a friend in NY who has a friend in LA who has a friend who just had a brain aneurysm that burst.  She is now in an induced coma as the doctors wait for the blood to drain. After the past couple of years of family friends dying of cancer, I simply can’t imagine what their family and friends may be going through.  Here is the e-mail from the friend of a friend…I encourage you to look at Erik’s blog and send Uma as many thoughts of love and prayers as you can…what goes around comes around!

“Okay, so, in all of my “Uma Update” emails I’ve been asking people to pray and send out healthy energy vibes to Uma and to visualize her waking up and having a full recovery, and even though her progress is slow, she does continue to make progress, and I truly believe that all of the love out there is making a difference. It manifests itself in two ways: first, I think she feels a lot of it in her hospital bed, and it helps her get better, ever so slightly. Which is a pretty damned good way for it to manifest itself. And then second, I think that some of it trickles back to us, which is good, too, because when Uma opens her eyes she’s going to find herself in a world that’s just a little bit better because of all of the love that’s been ricocheting back and forth between us.

If you don’t know Uma and don’t know what she’s going through right now ( i.e. if you’re one of those random people in my address book who are like: “who is this guy?”), Uma is a smart, mischievous, funny, irreverent, snarky, deeply passionate young woman. Her favorite book since childhood has always been Crime and Punishment, she identifies most with Miranda from Sex and the City, and after a long day she likes to dance alone in her living room to let off steam. She’s a former wannabe-mathematician, an actress, a Canuck, a good friend�and on December 25 she got engaged to a really great guy. Oh, and then on Wednesday January 31, she had a freaking brain aneurysm, which burst this was ten days ago and now she’s in an induced coma, as we wait for excess blood to drain from out of her brain (it’s literally in the creases and folds of her brain, and the only thing they can really do to get it out is to wait just wait for it to drain) so that the doctors can try to wake her up.

All of Uma’s family and friends (and even lots of friends of friends, and many strangers) have been hoping and praying and sending out good, healthy vibes, and Uma is slowly moving in the right direction. But she’s still in a really fragile place. And I thought, why don’t I send out for the cavalry, and get even more good vibes coming her way? So I’m sending you this email everyone in my address book asking you to pray for Uma and send her good healthy thoughts too. It’d be cool if we could all focus our energies and think of Uma at the same times throughout the day, so that maybe the combined effort of all of our visualizations will reach her with some extra oomph. So let’s say that whenever you notice the clock switching over to a new hour, close your eyes and visualize Uma waking up and recovering fully and walking out of the hospital. (She’s also having two procedures today that we could visualize going smoothly: a PEG procedure, moving her feeding tube from her nose and putting it directly into her stomach; and a tracheostomy, moving her ventilator from her mouth and putting it directly into her throat.) (Which sounds scary, but both procedures will make her much more comfortable.)

Okay, that’s it, if you could think healthy warm thoughts for Uma today, that would be so greatly appreciated. Feel free to forward this email to everyone in your address book too let’s try to get millions of people thinking of Uma, and hopefully that’ll help snap her out of this thing.

Thank you,

and love,

Erik Patterson

p.s. Here are some links

If you want to read more about what Uma’s been going through these past ten days, here are some of the updates that have been sent out:


DAY FOUR: http://myyearofnewthings




If you want to help out with Uma’s medical expenses (she only has the most basic health insurance and it doesn’t cover any sort of long-term care or rehabilitation), you can find out how to donate money via paypal by going here:

If you want to participate in National Vandalize the World for Uma Day, read this:

And check out these Uma Graffitti Photos:

And these:

To see photos of Uma, check out her myspace page:


© 2024 AsziChild